Date Night Idea: His, Hers, and Ours

For the lingerie lovers out there, we don’t have to tell you that there’s an art to this whole thing. But, we sometimes hear, “I love lingerie and all, but it only stays on for 30 seconds.” Our response to that: you just haven’t learned how to enjoy it. We can be of assistance. Offering you a little nudge in the romance direction, we’ll provide you with ways to turn those 30 seconds into an entire evening of bliss. Just ideas, though. It’s up to you to make the magic happen.


There are his & hers robes and wine glasses — why not have a his & hers date night? It’s a great way to treat each other, while spending quality time together. A sporting event and drink at his favorite pub can be spiced up with a lingerie-inspired skirt. The evening can flow into a mini fashion show, wine, and a romantic movie night on the couch. Then move to the bedroom and enjoy each other in your lingerie, with the Anya Lust playlist in the background.


His, Hers, and Ours

Mood: Fun and flirty 

Scene: A pub to start, and then your favorite shops, before heading back to the privacy of your own home. 

Activity: Create ‘His, Hers, and Ours’ moments. (His) Find an afternoon sporting event and cheer on his favorite team with him. Flirt, drink craft beer, and laugh during timeouts. (His & Hers) Retreat home, where new lingerie is waiting for her... plus a bottle of wine. Dance to beautiful music in the background. (Hers) Sink into the couch to watch her favorite romantic movie together.

Lingerie: A lingerie-inspired skirt or bodysuit to wear out. Get her a new lingerie set for later.

Delights: Wine, craft beer, and gastropub appetizers

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Ernest Hemingway